Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Revolutionaries..!!!!

People like me are used to be in the limelight.It was quite sometime since i was out of it, so i had to strike back...!!!! Since the first year chicks have joined the college, the main gate closes @ 8 for the fear of ragging.(i still wonder how it prevents ragging!!!).The mess food is so good that as soon as you enter the mess you feel all filled up.It was Monday--when the dinner is so good--they serve....ummmm...dunno what kind of veg.So I, and my other 2 roomies, Vishnu and Rohit set out to have a bite @ something good so that we could give sum rest to the hungry demons inside.While going out, we managed to fool the guard somehow @ the bank gate.Everything seemed to be normal until we stepped inside the campus jumping over the back gate.....The guard @ the duty caught us and was trying his best to drag us to the main gate.And to add some spice to the story, the hostel manager came to the scene from nowhere and told the guard to catch us.....And lo...!!!then started a chor - police game....3 of us running and the 2 guards behind us...Finally we managed to get into the hostel- all three in three directions.The guard was in a dilemma.....whom to chase.???so he started off behind Vishnu and Rohit ....and unfortunately, Rohit was caught.!!!So just like 'Bhagat singh', 'Rajguru' , and 'Sukhdev', all of us resurfaced.It was a moment of pride..!!! All three of us walking with our heads held high and three guards following us to the main gate..!!and i could hear the echoes "Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil mein hai....Dekhna hai zor kitna bazuein kaatil mein hai.........."

Long live revolution.!!!
Down with imperialism..!!!!!

My School Song

Oakgrovians young and old,
Come join in cheerful song;
The honour of our school uphold,
With voices clear and strong.
We leave the plains and heat,
Our homes and friends below;
And on these rugged mountains meet,
Life's purposes to know
Our glorious valley green,
With wooded hills around;
As games we play with vigour keen,
Doth oft with shouts resound.
In classrooms and in field,
Oak Grove has made her name;
We strive and hope our time will yield,
New glories, wider fame.
We love this school of ours,
We're Oak Grove's children true;
We'll serve her in her darkest hours,
And in her glory too.
This place wherein we live,
Fair gem of this earth's crown;
Claims earnest work which we must give;
Regardless of renown.
And when we leave Oak Grove,
Embarking on life's seas;
We'll never forget the school we love,
But loyal to her be.
In future years we pray,
God's blessing she may see,
And that her sons and daughters may,