Congratulation folks!!! India is shining again. You must be thinking that this guy has gone insane in this critical situation of recession but lemme tell you what- Elections speak. They do speak, if not every other day but every couple of years.
I was literally provoked to write this as soon as I got a message in my inbox- “villages to get 24 hrs electricity supply- Govt ” . Our government has yet again set out beaming its achievements in its rule. And why not, it does have some of the greatest achievements in the Indian history to boast of. No, I am not speaking of India’s spectacular win against Australia in cricket; though many Indians would rate it higher than the successful launch of Chandrayaan ( another long debated project which finally managed to shut up its critics after global acceptance). The launch of chandrayaan once again proves India’s expertise in space technology.
Moreover the inking of the Indo-US nuclear treaty in the US senate was one of the biggest achievement for the UPA government. Very less people know that this treaty will not bear any short term fruit( maybe a decade or so!!!!) but the government is banking upon the same as its bid fo

Its said that India is a complete democracy. I would rather say that India is only politically democratic. Pity on the common stupid Indian! They would again fall an easy prey and get carried away by these frivolous remarks like India Shining, India poised or the so called Feel good factor.. So I better delete this useless message from my inbox and get goin with my work……..
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