Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I don’t know whether to feel mocked about myself or to hold my head in pride ‘coz of being a trend setter. Because when you see people around you following you in every respect, you ought to give a second thought why they are doing so, and oddly, how. Some of my friends had asked me before, why is someone tempted to do the same what I do, wear, eat, or follow some of my habits. Luckily, they don’t think the way I do!
I started noticing that there was a guy who started following me in every respect, and I am afraid to say that, not in the high spirit of the morale, but only for his benefit. I started noticing the same colored clothes in his wardrobe, the same types of eating habits as mine, if I go on a diet, or avoid something, he does the same…….you know its pretty funny at times but irritating too. But hats off to his wits. For example, he could calculate what type of clothes I would prefer to wear on an occasion, and get ready in the same so as not to give me an opportunity to blame him for copying me! Brilliant! There have been many instances, some modest, others noticeable, and if I start thinking about all of them, either I would go insane or you would close the window in which you are reading this, not so mere rhetoric.
Its good if you have reached a level where people can imitate, or rather learn from you, but I do deserve a royalty, if not material, at least kind. But I am always gratified because I have my head over him, ‘coz he cannot think like me!

1 comment:


no surprise...u have IT in u which makes ppl wish that they could follow u...