Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Minutes of thrill !!

We were sitting impatiently in the bus, looking around desperately for a glimpse of a water body, and there it was, the beautiful backwaters, surrounded by the snooping coconut trees, with the rainwater splattering on it.

We walked briskly to the shore.

 In spite of the crowd around me, I was mesmerized with the enchanting beauty that surrounded the Kovalam beach. I could see the clear waters, with changing shades, and the lighthouse over the rocky terrain, acting as the backdrop for perfect wallpaper.

But the first thing that caught our eye was the roar of the Yamaha engine! Soon, we found ourselves in fluorescent safety jackets, with out jeans rolled up to our knees and making ourselves comfortable in the boat.

 I could feel the the adrenaline gush through my body and coming out in shrill voices as the engine started to roar. We were off, to the best ride of my life! I could feel the cold winds tear my hair apart. The boat jumped on the sea, and we, on our seats! We went past the fishermen, busy pulling their nets, as well as the curious people on banana boats, exploring the corals and the underwater fauna near the rocks. We could see the people waving at us from a distant beach. 

The sun was about to set, and we were sitting still, above the beautiful Arabian sea, feeling the waves. There was complete silence.

 As the sun started to touch the surface, we turned back to the shore.

It was a small ride, which hardly lasted for 10 minutes, but I’ll remember the thrill for the rest of my life.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

" Divided we stand, United we fall "

Unity and diversity, the two extremes, stand apart diametrically, beautifully complementing each other in the age old saying, “United we stand, Divided we fall”. And the childhood example of the boy not able to break the bundle of sticks is the quickest for us to recall.

Although I’ve not been able to update myself altogether with the latest happenings in the political arena owing to the schedule here, but whatever I’ve managed to gather in bits and pieces has made me sad and surprisingly happy too! Sad is obvious, because Andhra Pradesh in on the verge of a fallout, and happy, because very soon we will find 51 spokes in the wheel on the tricolor, each representing a different ‘state’, as in “The States”, and our so called politicos can brush their shoulders with Obama in yet another field!

Telangana was still proving hard to digest, but then how could Mayawati sit quiet? I had to take another sip of water. Welcome to Gorkhaland! I strained my eyes hard at the television to locate her amongst her security cover. It was necessary; else my vilification would have been misdelivered! Remember, every drop counts? 

I have my EC 1 scheduled round the corner, and now I think I will be able to master at least one topic for sure-“Divide and conquer”!  

Long live Indian Politicians, they truly are!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I have a Dream

Like any other reasonable human being, I have a dream….

I have a dream to spend those carefree moments as a child again,
I have a dream sometimes, to use my heart in lieu of my little brain.

I have a dream….

I have a dream to be that chocolate boy of my secondary school class,
I have a dream to sit in my top floor office surrounded by glass.

I have a dream….

I have a dream to have a pulsar of my own, 
I also have a dream of sitting in a BMW, talking to my girl on the phone.

I have a dream….

I have a dream to turn back time and redo those sad moments, 
I have a dream to go ahead of those unseen road-ends.

I have a dream….

I have a dream to spread abundance of happiness around me, 
I have a dream to make all those near and dear ones gay, and happy.

I have a dream….

I have a dream to make it big one day, 
I have a dream to see Tatas and Birlas come my way.

I have a dream….

I have a dream because I love to dream, 
And its only because I dream, I work, to fulfill those dreams.

Day 1 @ TCS !

I never imagined it would be as hectic as it was.

I got up early despite the fact I slept late last night, had to! I dressed up in one of the best formals I had till now. Tie in the right place, shirt tucked in, and shoes shining. We had to assemble in the Saffron @ 8:15 am, one of the auditoriums in the Peepul Park, as the premise is called. The whole of auditorium was bubbling with fresh faces, reflecting the enthusiasm, in galore. One could make out, even with a cursory glance, that these people are new to neckties, leather shoes, and obviously business formals!

 We had a number of orientation sessions from respective departments viz., HR, Admin, ILP and a couple of more. Had the same number of breaks, in which we enjoyed the free coffee at the kiosks on each floor, courtesy- TATA! (At least they are giving us something for free! 

We happened to sit with our own college friends, and were looking around for objects of our interests! And yes, there was variety! We had the usual boring lectures about the ethics, values and heritage of TATA, and surprisingly came to know about various things about our firm which people do not know, and if spoken about, can impress others.

I better not talk about the food, ‘coz it was horrible. Now come on, where do you find rice, dal and curd as one item in the menu? And that too with minimum salt, with a notice in front of us reading,” we put less salt in the food ‘coz excess salt is harmful for your health! 

All in all it went on fine. But at the end of the day, we could find ourselves drained out, to the core, as it was already 7:30 pm.

 And then as soon as I opened my eyes, I found myself getting late for the office! I never came to know how and when I slept.